Down to Earth

Down to Earth

Summer with the Science Centre is coming in for a landing, and that means it’s time to get down to earth—literally! Get to know your friendly local pollinators with a new video, share observations from your neighbourhood with real-world research projects and join us as we talk to Kids in the Woods about indulging your wild side. Plus, put your nature knowledge to the test by identifying land animals from their (extreme) close-ups. It’s time to grab your notebook, and show us how you spent your summer!

Pollinator Power

Adore apples? Passionate about peaches? Crazy about cukes? Thank a pollinator! Discover the variety of pollinators, including bees and butterflies, and how flowers attract them. You’ll also learn how you can help your friendly neighbourhood pollinators and keep all your favourite plants growing.

A marshy wetland including plants and a body of water.
Wetland in a Bottle

Wetlands like swamps, bogs, marshes and floodplains are covered with water during at least part of the year. These ecosystems help clean our water and provide homes to wildlife—and they’re fascinating to visit, too! Create your own wetland environment in a container to learn more about this distinctive ecosystem.

Wetland in a Bottle
A close up view of a moth's wing.
Land Animal Close-ups

Can you tell an elephant from a hippopotamus? What about a scorpion from a snake? Try our animal close-up game to find out! We've zoomed in on our favourite terrestrial animals to put your eye to the test.

Terrestrial Animal Close Ups
A page from a scientist's notebook.
Show Us Your Science Notebook

All summer long, you’ve been sketching what you see and recording the results of your experiments. Now it’s time to show off your work! Tell us how you spent your summer vacation by sharing your favourite pages from your science notebook with us on social.

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Twitter: @ontsciencectr


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