Body Works

On-Site School Program

  • All
  • Grade 5
A student wearing protective gear holds and inspects organs.

Curriculum Connections:

Strand A : STEM Investigation and Communication Skills
A1.4 follow established health and safety procedures during science and technology investigations, including wearing appropriate protective equipment and clothing and safely using tools, instruments, and materials
Strand B : Life Systems
B1.1 assess effects of a variety of social and environmental factors on human health, and describe ways in which individuals can reduce the harmful effects of these factors and take advantage of those that are beneficial
B1.2 evaluate beneficial and harmful effects of various technologies on human health and body systems, while taking different perspectives into consideration
B2.1 identify systems of the human body, and describe their basic function
B2.2 describe the basic structure and function of vital organs in various systems in the human body
B2.3 describe interrelationships between human body systems
B2.4 identify various diseases and medical disorders in humans and the organs and/or body system or systems that they affect
Sensory Considerations

Students will be viewing real biological specimens, including animal and human specimens. Please note the Ontario Science Centre follows the guidelines of the Ontario Anatomy Act, which states that human specimens are treated with dignity and respect and used for educational purposes only. Please let the bookings staff know if there are any considerations or accommodations needed for your class.