Inquiry: Heat in Action

On-Site School Program

  • All
  • Grade 7
Two students at a table examine a hand print on thermographic paper.

Curriculum Connections:

Strand A : STEM Investigation and Communication Skills
A1.1 use a scientific research process and associated skills to conduct investigations
A1.2 use a scientific experimentation process and associated skills to conduct investigations
A1.3 use an engineering design process and associated skills to design, build, and test devices, models, structures, and/or systems
A1.4 follow established health and safety procedures during science and technology investigations, including wearing appropriate protective equipment and clothing and safely using tools, instruments, and materials
A1.5 communicate their findings, using science and technology vocabulary and formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes
A3.1 describe practical applications of science and technology concepts in various occupations, including skilled trades, and how these applications address real-world problems
Strand C : Matter and Energy
C2.1 demonstrate an understanding of the particle theory of matter
Strand D : Structures and Mechanisms
D2.6 identify the factors that determine the suitability of materials for use in manufacturing a product or constructing a structure
Strand E : Earth and Space Systems
E2.1 use particle theory to explain how heat affects the motion of particles in a solid, a liquid, and a gas
E2.2 demonstrate an understanding of various ways in which heat is generated
E2.4 explain how heat is transmitted through conduction, and describe natural processes that are affected by conduction
E2.5 explain how heat is transmitted in liquids and gases through convection, and describe natural processes that depend on convection
E2.6 explain how heat is transmitted through radiation, and describe the effects of radiation from the Sun on different kinds of surfaces
Sensory Considerations

Students will work with ice cubes during this program.