Inquiry: Machines and Mechanisms

On-Site School Program

  • All
  • Grade 4
An educator adjusts a pulley lifting a weight

Curriculum Connections:

Strand A : STEM Investigation and Communication Skills
A1.3 use an engineering design process and associated skills to design, build, and test devices, models, structures, and/or systems
A1.4 follow established health and safety procedures during science and technology investigations, including wearing appropriate protective equipment and clothing and safely using tools, instruments, and materials
A1.5 communicate their findings, using science and technology vocabulary and formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes
Strand D : Structures and Mechanisms
D2.1 identify machines that are used in daily life, and describe their purposes
D2.2 identify the parts of various mechanisms and describe the purpose of each part
D2.3 describe how different mechanisms transmit various types of motion, including rotary motion, from one system to another
D2.4 describe how mechanisms transform motion, including how they can change the geometric plane in which the motion occurs and the speed and/or direction of motion
D2.5 explain how forces are changed in a variety of machines