Maker’s Challenge: Flight

On-Site School Program

  • All
  • Grade 6
Two students construct a glider in a workshop

Curriculum Connections:

Strand A : STEM Investigation and Communication Skills
A1.2 use a scientific experimentation process and associated skills to conduct investigations
A1.3 use an engineering design process and associated skills to design, build, and test devices, models, structures, and/or systems
A1.4 follow established health and safety procedures during science and technology investigations, including wearing appropriate protective equipment and clothing and safely using tools, instruments, and materials
A1.5 communicate their findings, using science and technology vocabulary and formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes
Strand D : Structures and Mechanisms
D2.1 identify flight-related applications of the properties of air
D2.2 describe the relationships between the four forces of flight – lift, weight, thrust, and drag – that make flight possible
D2.3 describe ways in which flying machines and various organisms use balanced and unbalanced forces to control their flight
D2.4 describe ways in which the four forces of flight can be altered
D2.5 describe characteristics and adaptations that enable organisms to fly
Sensory Considerations

This program features moderate to loud noises.