You in the Universe

On-Site School Program

  • All
  • Grade 9
An artist's rendering of the Milky Way

Curriculum Connections:

Strand A : STEM Skills, Careers, and Connections
A1.2 apply a scientific experimentation process and associated skills to conduct investigations, making connections between their observations and findings and the scientific concepts they are learning
A2.2 describe how scientific innovations and emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence systems, impact society and careers
Strand E : Earth and Space Science
E1.1 evaluate social, environmental, and economic impacts of space observation and exploration
E1.2 evaluate how space observation and exploration technologies contribute to our understanding of climate change, natural disasters, and other phenomena
E1.3 assess ways in which technological innovations related to space observation and exploration are applied in various fields, including their contributions to sustainable practices on Earth
E2.1 describe the importance of the Sun and its characteristics, including its role in the solar system and in sustaining life on Earth
E2.2 explain how the Sun’s energy causes natural phenomena on Earth, and how these phenomena contribute to renewable energy production
E2.3 summarize observational evidence used to support theories about the origin and evolution of the universe and the solar system, considering diverse ways of knowing
E2.4 describe major components of the solar system and the universe and compare their characteristics
E2.5 quantify distances in the solar system and the universe by applying an understanding of relative distances and sizes and using appropriate units of measure
E2.6 conduct investigations to explain the causes of various astronomical phenomena that can be observed from Earth
Sensory and Safety Considerations

Sensory Considerations: This program features low light conditions and, at times, complete darkness.

Safety Considerations: In the various demonstrations in this program, student volunteers must follow safety rules outlined by the presenter. All demonstrations are carefully designed for the safety of students, and a teacher or school supervisor is always required for all our school programs.